Project : Steps in Preparing the Film Festival Brochure With a partner , you will prepare a film festival brochure . ? It will be helpful to look at existing film festival brochures in your native language and / or in English . ? Decide how many pages the brochure will contain : four pages ( a front and back cover and two inner pages ) eight pages ( a front and back cover and six inner pages ) You may change your decision as you progress with the project and see how much material you and your partner have . Q With your partner , decide on a theme for the film festival . You may adopt the theme you chose for your first section task , or choose a new theme . 9 If you adopt the theme you chose for the first section task , go over the description and schedule you prepared . Change and / or improve these as necessary . If you choose a new theme , prepare an appropriate description and movie schedule . Refer to the genre ( s ) represented in the festival . Q The festival theme should appear on the brochure cover page . Depending on the number of pages in your brochure , you may present the theme description and film schedule on the cover page or on one of the inner pages . Include a profile on one or more actors or actresses who will be honored at the film festival . You may combine the paragraphs prepared by you and your partner for the second section task , or decide on one actor or actress only . Change and / or improve the paragraphs prepared for the section task as necessary . The profile should appear on an inner page of the brochure . Include a movie director profile that is relevant to the film festival . If this is the profile prepared by one of you for the third section task , go over it and change and I or improve it as necessary . If you have chosen a new theme , you may have to prepare a profile on a different director . The director profile should appear on an inner page of the brochure . Q Include a movie trivia quiz . Choose the most appropriate quiz prepared by one of you for the fourth section task , combine the best items from the prepared quizzes , or prepare a new quiz . This decision depends on your film festival theme , films , genres and actors / actresses featured . Depending on the number of pages in the brochure , the quiz may appear on an inner page or on the back cover . 9 Illustrate your brochure by adding graphics . With your partner , look over the entire brochure . Make changes and improvements as necessary .
