Words in Context 1 Read each of the following sentences and decide what the highlighted words mean . Copy the sentences with the correct word into your notebook . & Angela babysits two afternoons a week . She earns / pays ten dollars a week . !•> Everything is more expensive these days . The cost / price of living is going up . c Sam works in a small factory . Every week he puts half of his costs / wages in the bank . < 3 Larry buys old bikes , fixes them and sells them for more than he paid . He makes a wage / prof it when he sells the bikes . @ The company wants people to know about their new product . They sell / advertise the product in the newspaper and on TV . S Complete the following report about sweatshops in the fashion industry . Use the phrases in the box below . Answer on the ! Student Work Page Most of us go to the shops , try something on and buy it . We usually do not think about how it was made . I visited many clothes factories and spoke to 1 . This is what I found out . Companies build factories in poor countries because it is to make clothes there . They _ _ the workers very much . In fact , most of the workers a day . The are usually terrible — hot , noisy and crowded . Worst of all , many of the workers are _ j _ . One factory owner told me that these people are lucky that they have a job . He said that without this job , these people would live . He agreed that they _ _ very much money but told me that the cost of living is much lower in these countries . Not all clothing is made in sweatshops . Many times , these clothes are because the factories pay their workers according to the law . The workers in these factories put a _ 1 _ on the label of the clothes . From this symbol ( FT — Fair Trade ) , buyers know that these clothes were not made _ _ \ . So the next time you go shopping , stop and think about what is 12 . behind the label children and teenagers do not earn do not pay earn less than one dollar in a sweatshop more expensive much cheaper on the streets special symbol workers and factory owners working conditions
