There were days when I'd go to bed feeling fat and a failure , even though I'd only eaten a piece of fruit all day . I was totally obsessed with not eating and losing weight . I remember lying in bed at night with this feeling of emptiness in my stomach but so happy that I'd managed not to eat . Instead of realizing that I was going too far , I felt I had to try even harder to eat less and lose more weight . I felt if I could just be a little bit stronger , everything would be okay . But in actual fact , happiness was long gone from my life . My teachers and friends knew I had a problem , and tried to help me , but I pushed them all away , telling them I was fine and to stop nagging me . So they did . Nobody came to me for advice anymore . The agony aunt couldn't solve her own problem . In fact , the agony aunt couldn't even admit that she had a problem ! It all came to a head when my best friend , Linda , challenged me . "Can't you see what you're doing to yourself ? " she asked me . We had this huge fight and we both said some really ugly things . I thought it was the end of our friendship , but I said to myself , "Too bad ! It's no big loss . " Linda was interfering in my life and telling me things I didn't want to hear . By now , I had pushed away all my other friends as well , so I felt pretty alone in the world . Linda must have said something to my teachers or my mother . Things seemed to happen pretty quickly after that . Before I knew it , my mom had made me an appointment with the doctor . The doctor said I was anorexic and that if I didn't start eating normally again , he would have to admit me to the hospital . He quoted some very scary statistics about girls with anorexia . It seemed that I had no choice . I went to see a dietician , who gave me a special diet to follow . This would bring me back to my ideal weight . She also suggested I join a support group , which I did . At first it was very hard , and I hated everyone . I hated the doctor , I hated the dietician , I hated my mom , my friends , everyone . Then , at some point I realized it wasn't them I hated , it was ME . I recognized the fact that I needed help and deep down , a part of me was glad I was getting that help at last . Now , a year later , I've reached my ideal weight . I go to the dietician once a month and she checks to make sure I'm eating healthy foods . I still go to the support group but now I give more support than I get . I'm a part of "the crowd" again . My friends tell me their problems and I'm the agony aunt once more . I ' m so happy that Linda was brave enough to interfere . She risked our friendship but now I realize she saved my life . What medical problem do you think Hazel had ? Did she know it at this time ? Why didn't Hazel let people help her ? How did Hazel feel about her friendship with Linda ? What kinds of food do you think made up Hazel ' s healthy diet ? Why did Hazel hate everyone ?
