Through Hazel Eyes by Rosally Saltsman and Susan Menache My name is Hazel . Well really it's Cynthia but everybody calls me Hazel because I have big hazel eyes . I always had good grades at school and I was considered a part of "the crowd . " I was the one everyone came to with their problems and I gave out advice like a good old agony aunt * . However , one thing bugged me : I didn't like the way I looked . I wasn't really what you would call fat , but I felt that my life would be a whole lot better if I could only lose a few kilos . One of my friends had been dieting and exercising . Everyone was telling her how great she looked . I wanted everyone to say that to me too . I decided to start dieting and exercising . Within a couple of weeks I had lost about three kilos and started to feel really fit . My friends noticed and complimented me on my new look . I was so happy ! I started to take more care about what I wore and I enjoyed the way my friends looked at me . Then I became greedy . I thought to myself : if I got so many compliments after losing three kilos , I'd get twice as many if I lost six kilos ! First of all , I stopped eating breakfast , even though it ' s "the most important meal of the day . " Then I stopped eating lunch too . I didn't eat when I got home from school . My mother didn't know I was skipping lunch and she didn't want me to have a snack before dinner . So I waited till seven o'clock every night to have my one meal of the day . I lost more and more weight and I became addicted to the feeling of success this gave me . Every time I lost another kilo I felt I had achieved something . But then my energy level started to fall . I began to find the exercising increasingly hard and I was tired , tired , tired all the time . How did Hazel feel after she began her diet ? * agony aunt —a person who writes answers to readers' personal problems in a magazine .
