Booklet Pages 32-33 : The Howl of the Wolf 3 . Summing Up This is a summary of part of Chapter 2 . Use the words in the box to complete the missing information . active howl information intelligent moon pack reasons returns survive Jonathan Mill explains that wolves howl to communicate . They need their howl to . Wolves sometimes travel far away from the when they look for food . When a wolf is far away , it howls to the pack . The pack hears the wolf and the wolves back . In this way , the wolf can find its way home to the pack . Many people believe that wolves howl more when the is bri ght . Mill explains that wolves are more on these nights because they can see well to hunt . He believes that wolves are more than many people believe . Booklet Page 33 : Additional Activity Complete the Wolf Fact Sheet using the correct form of the verb in the Present Simple . Use the verbs in the box . You will use some of the verbs more than once . T Wolf Fact Sheet I a . Wolves for ei ht to twelve . I g years b . On average , male wolves 65 to 80 centimeters tall . * ( c . Wolves generally 120 to 250 kilos . I d . Female wolves usually not as big as male wolves . i e . Wolves often a distance of 8 kilometers in an hour . I f . In the winter , the wolf ' s tail to keep its face warm . . Wolves a third of their time on the move . I g 1 h . All members of a wolf pack . the baby wolves . 7 ij i . Baby wolves together just like puppies do . / || LHJJ 4 n » gg 83 9999 S ffflfflff MHH MKKtK flSSBS 8 MM jmm m 0 BflSHJ . Ji Which of the facts most surprised you ? Discuss . be live help play spend take care of weigh travel