Booklet Pages 22-23 : Animals in Legends 2 . Look at the pictures on booklet page 22 and discuss the following questions . Then write your answers . a . Who is in the story ( characters )? b . Where does the story take place ( setting )? c . What do you think happens in the story ( main events )? First Listening 1 . Listen to the Native American legend "Bear ' s Race With Turtle" and check your answers to activity 2 above . 2 . Put the events in order to get a summary of the legend . The first one has been done for you . ] The animals in the forest decide that Bear and Turtle should have a race . O Bear thinks that the race will be easy . / 77 Bear thinks he is the biggest , strongest and fastest animal . ] Bear goes home and sleeps for the rest of the winter . ] Turtle tells Bear , "I am faster than you are . " ] Turtle wins the race . Second Listening Listen to the legend again and mark what the other animals do . ] They hear Bear and Turtle arguing and shouting so they come to see what is happening . ] They can't agree who is faster-Bear or Turtle . \ Z \ They choose Fox to be the judge of the race . ] They want Bear to win the race . ? They cheer when Turtle wins the race .
