skills • grammar • communication • I can ... compare and contrast what different people do • 1 plan what I need to take on a hiking trip on the • Israel National Trail give and justify my opinion • to compare יש כאלה ש ... and יש אנשים ש ... use • what different people do use a dictionary to look up unknown words • read and show understanding of longer , more • ) complex , texts and literary texts ) song lyrics adapt language that I already know in new contexts • for different purposes communicate for practical purposes • write a Trail Angel advertisement • 2 plan , prepare and present a role play ) between • ) a hiker and a Trail Angel , listen to and read authentic materials ) songs • ) song lyrics and adverts listen for specific information • read and show understanding of longer and more • : challenging texts by 1 ( using prior knowledge 2 ( working out meaning from context 3 ( using the task to predict what I am going to read , write clearly and coherently for different purposes •...
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