communication grammar skills I can ... 1 talk about an upcoming school trip to Israel describe a past visit to Israel discuss whether I would like to go on a school trip to Israel and give reasons recognise and use a small range of known verbs in the future tense first person plural identify and explain one rule about forming the future tense adapt language I already know to new contexts identify whether something is happening in the past , present or future understand information about Jerusalem 2 describe a visit to Jerusalem , including my own and other people ’ s opinions compare facts about the Israeli Knesset with the parliament in my own country ask and answer questions about Jerusalem מפני ש ... use the connective אחרי ש ... and לפני ש ... use form questions using a range of question words use an increasing range of grammatical structures and connectives in speaking and writing to form complex sentences use two tenses in my speaking and writing use a dictionary and / or other r...
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