Debbie , Canada : Hi everyone ! My name is Debbie and I live in Toronto . I’ve enjoyed reading this forum from the start , but I didn’t have anything to write about . It became even more interesting and important when you started talking about your dilemmas . I’d like to tell you about something that happened to me because I also need your help . Debbie’s Dilemma In Canada we get a vacation from school for Easter . Mrs . Spencer , my best friend Jane’s mother , called to invite me to go with them on a ski vacation in the mountains . My mother spoke with her and thanked her for the invitation . She told Mrs . Spencer that she would talk it over with me and get back to her with an answer . After she hung up , my mother gave me a doubtful look and said : “ It’s not so simple . This year Easter and Passover fall at the same time , so if you go you would be missing Passover . I want you to decide what you think is the right thing to do . ” On the one hand , this is an opportunity that I can’t miss . Jane is my best friend . Even though we go to the same school and are in the same tennis class , I always feel like we don’t spend enough time together . It would be so amazing to go on vacation in the mountains for a few days and ski together ! On the other hand , there are some problems ... First , since Easter and Passover fall at the same time , I would miss the Seder with my family , which would really be a shame because that’s the only time that all the family get together at my grandparents’ house . All my aunts and uncles and cousins , who I miss so much throughout the year , will be there . How can I miss it ?! Second , not only will I miss celebrating Passover , but I’ll be spending Easter with a Christian family . Jane’s mother knows I’m Jewish and she said she’ll do everything to make me feel comfortable , even while I celebrate Easter with them : I’ll attend the Easter services with them in the town’s small church , eat the special holiday foods , and get a present for the holiday just like everyone else . Instead of making me feel better about going with them , this just makes it even more complicated . Not only will I not be celebrating my own holiday , but I’ll be celebrating a Christian holiday ... What do you think I should do ? Should I go on vacation with Jane ? And if I do , should I take part in all the Easter celebrations ? Should I go to church with them ? And what about Passover ? Maybe I’ll just skip it this year ... Or maybe it’s better not to go on vacation with Jane ? I’m not even sure who I should talk to about this ... Maybe I should I ask my grandfather ? He always understands me . My parents ? Maybe Jane ?