In the online Friends Across the Sea Forum , Jewish students throughout the world correspond with each other . Hadas , Israel : Have any of you ever been to Israel ? Are you planning to visit ? In Hebrew , there is a speci fi c word used when someone immigrates to Israel – he / she makes aliyah – Aliyah literally means “ going up . ” What is the message underlying this usage ? Jonathan , United States : I might visit my cousins at the end of the year . My uncle Bruce and my aunt Diane immigrated to Israel * with their children last year . They live in Raanana . Hadas , do you know where that is ? Maybe you know my cousins , Avi , Tali , and Leah Hirshfeld ? Hadas , Israel : I’ve been to Raanana , but I don’t know your cousins ! I live in Jerusalem , which is about an hour and a half from Raanana , so there’s not much chance I would know them . I’ve heard that in some countries , there is a lot of hostility toward Jews . How is it where you live ? Jonathan , United States : We don’t feel any hostility here at all . Jews feel safe in New York . Sasha , Russia : It’s different here in Russia . In the last few years , there have been some serious attacks against Jews , so now I’m very careful about telling strangers that I’m Jewish ... Hadas , Israel : That’s scary ! Jonathan , United States : Guys , I’ve got to go . We got an assignment today at school to make a family tree and I haven’t even started ! Hadas , Israel : We got the same assignment ! I just finished mine . I know we are all using the same textbook , do you think our teachers are planning all of our assignments together ? ( Maybe also our tests ? Now that could be interesting ! After all , they are encouraging us to communicate with each other ! Just kidding ! •) Jonathan , there’s a really good website that helps make family trees . All you have to do is enter your data and it arranges everything for you really well . Here , I’ve attached my family tree . Jonathan , United States : Great , thanks ! Rafaelo , Argentina : Bye everyone ! Sasha , Russia : Goodbye !