Section Task : Action ! Presenting a profile about a movie director Stage 1 1 . Choose a movie director whose films you know . 2 . Use the table on page 31 as a guide and fill in details you know about the movie director . 3 . If necessary , collect additional facts about the movie director from available sources , such as information in encyclopedias and books . If you have access to the Internet , the Internet Movie Database is a good source of online information . 4 . Write the profile , organizing the information in one or more paragraphs . Use the profile on page 28 as a model . 5 . Read over what you have written and make corrections if necessary , using a dictionary or spell-checker . 6 . Ask a partner to read the profile and give you feedback . Make additional corrections if necessary . 7 . Submit your table and the profile to the teacher . Your work will be assessed on the rubric on ^ mmfx ^^ n . ^ m ^ uA 91 - The following checklist shows what you should have in Stage 1 of the task . ? The profile includes important facts and information about the director . ? The profile is based on an appropriate outline and presents the information in a logically organized way . ? The profile has been checked and con ected . Stage 2 1 . Based on the teacher's assessment , improve your profile . 2 . Use the corrected profile to present a short talk to a partner about the director you have chosen . 3 . It is important to speak , and not to read your profile ! Your partner will assess your talk using the rubric on # 3 21 iS £ j 93 . In Stage 2 of the task , make sure to get across the contribution of your chosen director and the relevance of the information you are presenting . Present your points logically and in an interesting way .
