Spotlight on a Director A student committee has to select a director to feature in their school's film festival . The committee is considering the following criteria . ? The director has made a significant ^ 0 ^!\^^\^ 0 ^ 10 the development of a specific movie genre or to filmmaking in general . ? The director has a large body of work that includes at least two important movies or at least two blockbusters . ? The director ' s films present ideas that give audiences something to think about . ? The director has a personal trademark that clearly distinguishes his / her movies from those of others . ? The director's films reflect a unique artistic vision . 1 Based on the information in the texts on page 24 , which of the above criteria apply to each director ? Discuss with a partner . 2 Which of the criteria apply to your favorite movie director or to a director you know well ? Compare with a partner . Alfred Hitchcock has been a popular choice for film festivals spotlighting a director . Below is a film schedule for a Hitchcock film festival . 3 Look at the film schedule and answer the questions that follow . & How many of the films listed above do you recognize , or have you seen ? ( You may have seen remakes of some of these films , not directed by Hitchcock . ) % From what you and others in the class know about Hitchcock ' s films , discuss which of the above criteria apply to Hitchcock . Example : This director has made a significant contribution to cinema by the unique way in vhich he builds suspense . -or example , begin like this : Bf Alfred Hitchcock is considered to be the , master of the horror or thriller genres . 50 the first criterion applies to him ...
