Closer Reading Answer on Student Work Page > 35 . 1 Match the film director to the statements below . Use the relevant information from the texts on page 24 to support your answers . a This director dreamed of being in the movie business as a child . & This director is known for also acting in his / her films . @ This director is likely to make movies about fantasy and science fiction . < 3 This director's films are likely to cause discussion and debate . 0 This director is likely to turn a theatrical production into a film . 2 What makes each director special ? List the features that characterize each director ' s films , according to the texts on page 24 . 3 Below are summaries of movie plots that a movie studio is considering . ? Decide which of the above directors is the most suitable for making each film . ? Support your choice with information from the texts on page 24 . Q The events in this film take place in the mid-1950 s in the USA , when the Civil Rights Movement began to protest discrimination against blacks . The movie shows the human dramas that occur when marchers are arrested in the state of Alabama * . The film follows some of the important events in the life of Martin Luther King * . & It is the year 2310 , and humans have built a city on Mars . However , when some Martian settlers return on a visit to Earth , they begin to act strangely . A team of NASA scientists decide to investigate the matter and they discover a terrible secret that has been hidden from the world . < Sj This film looks at the lifestyle and customs of the Aborigines * through the eyes of a young girl named Nerida . When a visitor from the city shows up and discovers rare Aboriginal cave paintings , Nerida must find a way to keep the cave a secret in order to protect her tribe's culture and traditional way of life . * Alabama , together with Mississippi , were two states known for discrimination and unjust acts against blacks , right until after the Civil Rights Movement affected their politics . * Martin Luther King . an African- American , was the great leader of the movement that fought for justice and equality in the USA by non-violent means . He was assassinated in 1968 . * Aborigines — the native people of Australia .
