Closer Reading Answer in your notebook . 1 Which words or phrases in each excerpt helped you decide which city was being described ? Find two or three examples for each excerpt . 2 Read the sentences below and answer the following questions about each sentence . There is more than one possibility , so compare your answers with a partner and discuss . ? Which excerpt could each sentence appear in ? ? Where in the excerpt would you add the sentence ? & People here are always on the move and walk with a sense of purpose . $ In the busy streets , you feel like you are being carried along by the crowds of people , who do not seem to mind all the pushing and bumping . c Like their city , the people , too , are beautifully and elegantly dressed . Q All people of culture will appreciate the Old World character of this majestic city . 0 The natives ofthis city are as warm and friendly as the atmosphere . f If you still have the energy the next morning , join the young players in a game of beach soccer . 3 The list below shows how the impressions of the city in excerpt 1 are related to the five senses . Study this list , then make a similar list for any one of the other cities described on pages 6 and 7 . Sight fashionable shops colorful paintings ornate architecture beautiful broad , tree-lined avenues extend as far as the eye can see bright watch the people going by Hearing whispers resounds with music happy laughter Smell freshly baked croissants Taste freshly baked croissants sipping hot chocolate creamy cafe au lait Touch cool air sprinkles moisture