Section Task : carry Out Presenting a person or career that has made a mark Stage 1 : Preparing a profile 1 . Think of a person who has made a contribution to a community by his / her chosen career . 2 . Collect information about the person and his / her career . 3 . Prepare notes based on the information you have collected . 4 . Organize the notes in a logical order . 5 . Write a profile about the person , using the guidelines for writing a paragraph on page 36 to help you . 6 . Read over your work and check your grammar and spelling . Use a spell-checker or dictionary to help you . 7 . Submit your notes and your profile to your teacher , who will assess your work using the rubric on Student Assessment rage 73 . The following checklist shows what you should have in Stage 1 of the task . Content ? The person has made a contribution to a community . ? The person's contribution is clear from the examples . ? The connection between the person ' s contribution to the community and his / her chosen career is clear . Organization of information ? The information in the notes is organized in note format . ? The information in the profile is organized in paragraph format . ? The presentation of information in the profile is based on the organization of the information in the notes . Language ? The language used in the notes is appropriate to the text type . ? The language used in the paragraph is appropriate to the text type . ? Grammar and spelling have been checked . Stage 2 : Presenting a profile Based on the teacher ' s assessment , improve your notes and profile . Use the corrected work to present a short talk to a partner about the person you have chosen . It is important to speak and not to read your notes or profile ! The rubric on Student Assessment t ' a \> e 75 will be used to assess your talk . Be prepared to answer questions and support your points . In Stage 2 of the task , make sure to get across the contribution of your chosen person and the relevance of the information you are presenting . Present your points logically and in an interesting way .