Small Deeds , Great Acts 1 Read the following quotation and give examples of "small deeds " that turned into " great acts . " "In the universe , great acts are made up of small deeds . " Lao T : e ( 6 Century BCE ) 2 Read the quotations below and discuss the following questions . B What is the message in each quotation ? How is the message related to "making a mark" ? $ Which quotation is closest in meaning to the one by Lao Tze in your opinion ? "We make a living by what we get , we make a life by what we give . " Sir Winston Churchill ( 1874-1965 ) "A life without cause * is a life without effect . " Anonymous "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot , nothing is going to get better . It's not . " Dr . Seuss ( 1904-1991 ) "Man has been endowed with reason * , with the power to create , so that he can add to what he ' s been given . " Anton Chekhov ( 1860- 1904 ) "To invent , you need a good imagination and a pile of junk . " Thomas Aha Edison ( 1847-1931 ) "As long as there are dreamers who have the courage to pursue their dreams , the world will still have heroes . " Anonvmous "You can always lead — even from the back of the pack * . " Anonymous "I believe it is the nature of people to be heroes , given the chance . " JamesA . Autiy f 1933- ) 3 Look through the booklet and find out what each section focuses on . Choose a suitable quotation for each section of the booklet . * cause — something that makes something else happen ; a purpose or reason ; an aim or a principle . * endowed with reason — given the ability to think . * pack —a group ( usually , in relation to animals that hunt together ) . The words "deed" and " act " both mean " something one does with intention or purpose . "