Section Task : Going to press Writing a movie review Write a movie review for an online news site or a print newspaper . Use the movie reviews on pages 36 and 38 as models . 1 . Choose a movie that you have seen and remember well or that you have on video or DVD and can watch again . Write the name of the movie as the title of the review . 2 . Give a short summary ( 3-5 sentences ) of what happens in the movie , but do not give away the ending . Mention the main characters , possibly including the names of the actors and actresses . 3 . Include a sentence that states the "problem" in the story . 4 . End the review with one or two sentences where you present your opinion of the movie . Use descriptive words that clearly show what you think of the movie and whether you would , or would not , recommend this movie . 5 . Give the movie a star rating ( 1-5 ) that matches your opinion . 6 . Read over the movie review and make corrections . Use a dictionary or spell checker to check your spelling . Show your work to a partner and make corrections or improvements based on his or her feedback . 7 . Use the checklist below to make sure that your work is ready to submit to your teacher . Submit your final draft , with one or more early drafts . Your teacher will assess your work using the rubric on ^ J © 83 . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . ? The name of the movie is included . ? The movie review summarizes the main events but does not give away the ending . The main characters are mentioned . ? The problem is described . ? The review includes the reviewer ' s opinion or recommendation . ? Suitable descriptive words have been used to present the reviewer ' s opinion . ? Spelling and grammar have been checked and mistakes have been corrected where necessary . If the article has been typed , a spell checker has been used . ? Corrections and improvements have been made based on feedback from a partner .