Take a Side A debate is an organized discussion for and against a topic . Each person participating in a debate has to present his / her opinion , support the opinion , and give a final statement . 1 With a partner , debate the topic of online news using the expressions below . 2 With a partner , choose one of the headlines below . Take opposing views and debate the topic . ? Internet course to replace high school ? Athletes fight against mandatory drug testing ? Minister pushes for longer school day In addition to the expressions listed on page 24 , the following are useful expressions to use when debating or discussing an issue . Expressing Opinion I propose that . .. I'd like to say that . .. It seems to me that . .. It ' s possible that . .. There's no doubt that . .. It seems certain that . .. Disagreeing I understand your point , but I disagree . .. That may be true , but ... Yes , but . .. It's true that . .. , but . .. We can ' t deny that . .. , but ...