Making a Point ) ^ People example express through opinions 6 ^ 0 for ^^ or and against ^// 1 ^ different 11 / 0 / 71 and issues by ^ in 0 various ^\^ ways , messages on Internet forums . Read the opinions below . Choose an opinion that you either agree or disagree with and explain why you agree or disagree . As I see it , there is too much news today . I can't keep track of it all . I believe that Internet news will become more popular in the future . I think that printed news will always be more serious than Internet news . It is easier to hold a newspaper than to read from a computer screen . I don ' t think that the newspapers are accurate . They are full of mistakes . Listen to a Debate : First Listening The issue 0 ז how we get the ח ^/ 5 has become a topic 0 / " much ^^/^ כה and debate . Listen to two people giving their opinions . Answer on s What is the topic of the debate ? S > How long has Mr . Owen been working in journalism ? @ What are Mr . Owen's two main arguments ? 13 What does Ms . Gonzalez want to do ? Ms . Gonzalez wants to ... . Q Ms . Gonzalez mentions relaxing on the couch with a cup of coffee . This example shows ... . Second Listening Listen again and , on 1 20 , circle the phrases used by the speakers to express agreement or disagreement . I think that . .. I don ' t think that . .. We have to accept that . .. Studies show that . .. This shows that . .. In my opinion , ... It's important to remember that ... I agree that . .. I disagree that . .. I agree with ... I don't agree with . .. It's possible that ... I believe that . .. As I see it , ... As I understand it , Thinking About What You Have Heard Which person do you agree with — Mr . Owen or Ms . Gonzalez ? Explain your answer using some of the phrases listed above .
