( 0 Exploring the Newspaper ] Newspapers are divided into sections according to different kinds of news . 1 Bring a newspaper to class . Look through the newspaper and , in your booklet , make a list of the sections you find . The following section names will help you . Front Page International or World National Money , Finance or Business Sports Politics Fashion Opinion Editorial Technology Entertainment 2 Compare your list with a partner ' s list and find : ? a section found in both newspapers ; ? a section found in one newspaper and not in the other ; ? different names used for the same sections ( e . g . Business and Finance ) . ! In your newspaper , find an example of each of the news items listed below . In your notebook , make a table showing the type of news item , the headline , and / or the page number . News Items a An international news story S > News about national politics News about entertainment ^ 13 A science or technology article Q The results of a sports game f News about business or finance g An editorial IL An article about food Example : News Item Headline Section / Page Number An article about f ood Top 10 : Teen Favorites Lif estylea — p aqe 3 & 4 In your notebook , rank the articles in the order in which you would read them . What does this tell you about your reading habits ? Discuss . 5 Make a list of five or more headlines from your newspaper . Ask your partner which sections the headlines could come from .
