Chat on Chat 1 Look at the computer screen of an online chat about TV . Which names do you think are real ? Which names are made up ? 2 Discuss the following questions in small groups and share your answers . & Do you participate in online chats ? Why or why not ? @ Do you use your real name in chats ? If you use a made-up name , explain why you chose that name . 3 Complete the following paragraph using the phrases in the box . Answer on A ) )}}• MlWW 9 il' !??* 3 . , The Internet has become a popular way of communicating . As a result , many people join _ . These communities are made up ofpeople who share similar interests . The majority of Internet chats require the users to _ _ . This means that a user has to enter the discussion with a name . Although some people use their real name , others use a . They use a name online that projects a different identity from their _ !_ . Using a different name helps some people _ j _ . For example , a shy person who wants to appear less timid may take on _ j _ in a chat . Everyone is anonymous on the Internet . That is , no one can check to see ifa person's is true-to-life or not . More practice on Student Work Page an outgoing personality change their image identify themselves made-up name online chat communities online identity real identity