1 Find five connectors used in the article "Advice for the Woman Traveler . " Explain how the ideas are connected in each example . 2 Choose the correct word to complete each of the following sentences . & Even though / Despite the shirt was torn , I decided to wear it to the party . B > The tourists were very tired . Although / Nevertheless , they decided to walk to the museum . c Nevertheless / In spite of the weather , we decided to take a trip . 0 Alaska is a cold state , whereas / in contrast Florida is very warm . 3 Many cities are worth visiting in addition to / moreover Paris and London . f Some fruits , such as / as well as oranges and grapefruits , have a lot of vitamin C . g The salesperson showed the customer the shirt in order to / so that he could try it on . Eh Since / While the journey was so long , we decided to travel by train for partof the way . 1 The doctor wanted to check the patient's heart . Furthermore / For example , she ordered some general tests to be done at the hospital . J Besides / In spite of what the scale read , the man knew that he had gained weight . 3 Complete the following sentences on Student Work Page 55 . Contrast & Although I prepared well for my trip , .... & In spite of the many problems we encountered , c While I am able to travel on my own , ... . < 3 Unlike my traveling companion , I ... . Reason , Cause , Purpose ט Since we forgot the directions to the house , ... S > Due to her heavy accent , .... c We ... in order to ... . Example , Adding Information & He knew the names of ..., such as ... . & In addition to visiting France , .... Result & He forgot to renew his passport . Consequently , .... S > The children started crying as a result of ... . c The traveler was suffering from jet lag and therefore ... . ' ay attention to how commas are used .