
Section Task : Punchline Writing a review of a satirical television show or movie 1 . Choose a TV show or movie you know that uses humor to criticize something about society : the family , one or more groups of people or occupations , political figures , etc . 2 . Using the review on page 45 as a model , write a few sentences describing the show and what it criticizes . Point out how effective the show is . ? Explain how humor helps to get across the serious message . ? Use connectors of contrast to describe the serious side of the show on the one hand , and the humor on the other . ? Give your opinion of the show , stating whether it is effective in causing viewers to "laugh through their tears . " ? Give a title to your review , which relates to the title or subject of the show or movie . ? Include the name of the show or movie and your own name as reviewer . 3 . Read over what you have written and make corrections if necessary , using a dictionary or spell-checker . 4 . Ask a partner to read your review and give you feedback . Make additional corrections if necessary . 5 . Submit your review to the teacher for assessment . Your work will be assessed using the rubric On * mmAimmuw * 87 . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . I included a description of the show in my review . 1 explained the serious and humorous sides of the show or movie . I used suitable connectors of contrast to describe the connection between the humorous and serious sides of the show or movie . I presented my opinion of the show or movie . I added a title to my review . I included the name of the show or movie , and my own name .

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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