1 he source of Humor Have you ever thought about the question : "Where do jokes come from ? " Isaac Asimov , the science fiction writer , came up with an interesting answer to this question in his short story "Jokester . " Read the following book report by Tina Cohen about the story "Jokester" and find out what Asimov ' s answer is . Tina Cohen . Grade 9 g , November 20 2003 , Title : Jokester Name of Author : Isaac Asimov Genre : Science Fiction Main Characters : Meyerhof , a Grand Master ; Whistler , a comp uter analyst ; Trask , a government off icial ; Multivac , a sup er- comp uter Setting some time The story is ^^^ in the f uture . The world is controlled by a biq , sop histicated comp uter called Multivac , which is able to solve all the problems of the p eople in the world . However , it can only solve these problemsif p eople ask it intelliqent and meaninqf ui oiuestions . So , p eople with sp ecial minds , called Grand Masters , have to f ind the riqht questions to ask Multivac . Flot One of the Grand Masters is called Meyerhof . At the beqinninq of the story , he is researchinq the subject of humor and is tryinq to f ind out where jokes come f rom . He has realized that p eople always beqin tellinq a joke by sayinq : " 1 heard a qood one the other day . " He thinks that he is ajokester , someone who knows a lot of jokes . He is tellinq Multivac jokes and qivinq it lots of inf ormatio n that he has collected on the subject of humor . Whistler , a comp uter analyst , is worried about Meyerhof ' s research . He rep orts this to Trask , a qovemment off icial . However , Trask does not f eel that he can stop a Grand Master f rom askinq Multivac (\ uestions . 1 . What is probably special about Meyerhof ? 2 . What does the computer need in order to do its processing job on the subject of humor ?