Do our bodies speak more clearly than our voices ? Read the following newspaper article reporting an interview with James Lawrence , a mime artist . What is his opinion ? Interview with a Mime by Julia Nestle When I first heard James Lawrence speak , I was a little surprised . Mimes never talk , but when it comes to the subject of mime , I found that Lawrence had a lot to say . "Our bodies speak more clearly than our voices , " he said . "Our faces show much more than do words alone . By exaggerating our facial expressions , we can make the point better . " According to Lawrence , most people are visual . They interpret the world through their eyes . Body language gets the message across more clearly without interference . "When you say one thing with your voice and another with your face and body , it is confusing for the listener . When onl y your body speaks , there can be no confusion . " Lawrence started mime school when he was five years old . "Doing mime requires discipline , coordination and physical control , " explains Lawrence . "A mime uses his body as a tool . A mime can create an entire situation using his body . You don ' t need a lot of words or props * to make something funny . All you need to do is exaggerate your movements and facial expressions . " Lawrence offers me an imaginary cup of coffee . Then he pretends to accidentally spill the coffee on me . Instinctivel y , I jump up . He grins at me . "Hey , you'd make a pretty good mime , " he says . Closer Reading Answer in your notebook . 1 Why was the interviewer surprised when she first heard James Lawrence speak ? ( paragraph 1 ) 2 Why does Lawrence believe that body language is more effective than words ? Do you agree with him ? Support your opinion in two or three sentences . ( paragraph 2 ) 3 According to Lawrence , what skills does a mime need to have ? ( paragraph 3 ) 4 What does a mime do in order to make his performance funny ? ( paragraph 3 ) 5 How does Lawrence prove his point ? ( paragraph 4 ) * props — everyday objects used in a theatrical performance .