Thinking About What You Have Heard 1 Who would find these jokes funniest : teachers , parents or students ? Discuss . 2 Do you agree that in a stand-up show , the jokes themselves are less important than the way they are told ? Discuss . Word Play Many jokes use word play to make us laugh . Since homophones involve word play , they are often used in jokes . A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another one but has a different spelling and meaning , e . g . new / knew . Answer in your notebook . 1 Write the meaning of each of the words in your native language . ate ?^ eight read 4 * red pause ? paws too •^ two 2 Complete the following sentences using the correct homophone from those above . & I _ _ the book you lent me . I enjoyed the story very much . & This is easy for me . I learned this in elementary school . c 1 _ too much . That is why my stomach hurts . Q I like your sweater . The color really suits you . 0 She has sons . They are called David and Jonathan . f A dog has four . g An octopus has legs . \ h There was a long _ _ in the conversation . Nobody could think of anything to say . 3 The following jokes use the homophones listed above . For each joke find the homophones that are used to make the joke funny . a Question : What's black and white and all over ? Answer : A newspaper & Question : How does a dog stop the video machine ( VCR )? Answer : It presses the button . @ Rose : Our next door neighbor wears a size 16 dress . Ben : Why such a large size ? Rose : 1 guess she just and ! 4 Try to translate one of the above jokes into your native language . What is the problem ? 5 In pairs , make a list of other homophones you know . Make up a joke of your own using homophones and share it with the class . Why can ' t a bicycle stand on its own ? Because it ' s two-tired . No , because it ' s too tired .