Thinking About What You Have Read In almost every country , there are groups of people who are laughed at . These jokes often rely on stereotypes to make us laugh . For example , Joke 3 on page 10 shows a stereotype about mothers-in-law . Read what people have to say about the use of stereotypes in jokes . Who do you most agree with ? Discuss . "No one is born with prejudice * . Prejudice is like an infection that is passed from person to person through stereotype 'jokes . ' Our beliefs and attitudes are influenced by the stereotype jokes we have been hearing all our lives . If you hear something enough times , you'll believe that it's true . " Jane Marshall , 25 "Jokes are meant to make you laugh . Everyone knows that the stereotypes that jokes are based on are not true . We all know that hair color does not make someone smart or stupid . Only insecure people take these jokes seriously . " Tom Banks , 34 Link to Language : Debating an Issue A debate is an organized argument . It presents two sides 0 / " an issue and follows certain rules . ? The debating issue is presented as a statement that something is true , e . g . "Stereotypes in jokes are harmful . " Speakers from one team agree with the statement ; speakers from the other team disagree . ? Some of the rules explain how a debate should be conducted . Other rules explain what kind of language should or should not be used in a debate . ? The chairperson in the debate makes sure that the speakers follow the rules . ? The judges decide which team has presented the best argument . 1 In a class debate , which of the following skills and talents would be important to ... ? a speaker the chairperson a judge ability to present an argument clearly knowledge of the subject knowledge of relevant words and phrases to use in an argument fairness in relations with other people leadership qualities ability to listen to and understand the points of view of others 2 Which skill or talent would you probably most need to develop or " work on" to be successful as a speaker in a debate ? Explain . prejudice — dislike or distrust of a person or group of people based on fear or false information .