Booklet Pages 22-23 : Link to Language 3 . Read the paragraph . Circle the correct form of the verb . Ronald Cotton was arrested and charged with rape and burglary . One of the victims identified /( had identifiectjhim as her attacker . At his trial Cotton insisted / had insisted that he was / had been innocent but nobody believed / had believed him . Many years 3 4 later , DNA tests weredone / had been done and it was discovered / had been discovered 5 6 that for 11 years Cotton sat / had sat in prison for a crime he never committed / had 7 g never committed . 5 . A woman was attacked in a park and reported the crime to the police . The following paragraph represents what she said to the police at the line-up . Complete the report using the correct form of each verb - Past Simple or Past Perfect . "I was walking through the park when I heard a noise coming from just behind the trees to my right . As I ( get ) nearer , I was just in time to see the shadowy figure of someone running away . A second figure _ _ ( get ) up and ( turn ) towards me . He was a kind looking , gray-haired man . He 3 ( tell ) me that I _ _ ( arrive ) just in time . Apparently , a 4 5 person ( attack ) him , and _ _ ( steal ) his gold watch 6 7 and his wallet . Everything ( happen ) so quickl y that he 8 _ ( not have ) the chance to see the attacker ' s face clearly . He wasn ' t 9 even sure whether the attacker was a man or a woman . I ( persuade ) 10 the man to report the incident to the police . Then , to my surprise , asl _ n ( begin ) walking away , the man _ ( knock ) me down , _ 12 13 ( grab ) my bag and ( run ) off . I _ _ ( be ) angry that he 14 15 _ ( make ) a fool of me and I _ ( go ) straight to the police 16 17 station to report the incident . I ( inform ) the police officer on duty 18 that I would be able to identify the thief without any difficulty - my conversation with the thief ( be ) long enough for me to get a good look at him . That is 19 why I am confident that I have picked out the correct person at the line-up today . I am really happy that , after I reported the incident , you _ _ ( find ) the man and ( arrest ) him . " 21
