Earth Matters Booklet Page 9 : Words , Words , Words Complete the crossword puzzle using the words below . Across 3 . make dirty or unsafe for use 7 . the plants , animals and people living in an area and the connection between them 10 . reduction in the quantity of something 11 . material that is no longer needed 13 . have an influence on a situation 15 . may disappear and no longer exist 17 . a strong effect 18 . absolutely necessary Down 1 . different and varied 2 . dangerous 4 . get rid of 5 . a place to throw unwanted things or garbage 6 . removing trees from an area 8 . collect and keep for future use 9 . the mixture of gases around the Earth 12 . an area where garbage is buried underground 14 . no longer exists 16 . happen affect atmosphere contaminate deforestation depletion dispose ( of ) diverse < dump ecosystem endangered essential extinct hazardous impact landfill < occur store waste •
