Booklet Page 20 : The Royal Game 1 . Complete the following sentence . A player wins the game of chess when 2 . Complete the following sentences to summarize the information in paragraph 2 . Chess began years ago . However , historians do not know 3 . According to paragraph 3 , what two changes were made in the game of chess during the Middle Ages ? Check the correct answers . ~ 2 a . the shape of the pieces / b . the social position of kings and queens _ ^ J c . the names of the pieces [] d . all the rules of the game 4 . Complete the chart below to show the connection between the chess pieces and life during the Middle Ages . 5 . Why is chess called "the royal game" ? 6 . In which three ways does chess reflect life during the Middle Ages ? Complete the following sentences . a . The position and function of pawns reflect b . "Checkmate" reflects c . The fact that the chess pieces protect the king reflects