Booklet Page 17 : Additional Activity Complete the description of the connection between science fiction and scientific facts . Use the words in the box below . People often come up with new ideas for products many years before there is the technology to build them . In fact , the of many objects , began in an imaginative mind . For example , in the 15 century , the famous artist and inventor , Leonardo da Vinci _ that man could build "flying machines" and even drew up plans . At the time , people just laughed at him Later , in the 19 and 20 th centuries , science fiction writers many ideas that later developed into products or In 1945 , science Arthur C . Clarke , wrote about communication satellites many years before they existed . Andrei Sakharov , a Soviet . in physics and math made several incredible _ . In 1974 , he wrote 6 that in 50 years ( 2024 ) , he expected the _ of a "Worldwide Information System" ( WIS ) - what we know today as the Internet . Today , many scientists are interested in the contribution of writers to science . In fact , the European Space Agency ( ESA ) is asking members of the public to use their and to send them " science fiction" ideas . In the words of Albert 9 Einstein , "Imagination is more important than knowledge . Knowledge is limited . Imagination encircles the world . " claimed contributed creation expert imaginations origin predictions science fiction technology