Booklet Page 35 : The Downloading Debate 1 . Complete the following sentence according to the main ideas of the text . Some people believe that while others believe that 2 . What two solutions have companies found to the downloading problem ? Check the correct answers . EH a . Internet users can pay for each song they download . J b . Record companies should fight against the new technology . U c . Music fans should only buy CDs . _ J d . Internet users can pay money each month to download music . 3 . Whose opinion is reflected in each of the following sentences : the downloaded or the recording industry s ? a . It ' s free so why spend money on an expensive CD ? b . Musicians , song writers and the recording industry should be paid for their work . c . It ' s illegal to " pirate"CDs , just like it ' s illegal to " pirate" videos and computer software . d . Most music companies pay musicians for the number of CDs they make , not the number they sell e . It ' s a good way for less-known artists to reach more listeners