Booklet Page 35 : Animals and Fashion First Listening Listen to the question and answer session that took place after the lectures . 1 . Which of the following topics were discussed ? _ ^ J using fur in fashion ] laws that protect animals ] how synthetic skin is made ] testing cosmetics on animals 2 . Is there a match between the title of each lecture in the flyer and the speaker ' s answers in the discussion ? Dr . Li : |_ Yes GNo Dr . Rose : DYes DNo Second Listening Which sentences show what each lecturer thinks ? a . br . Rose thinks that fur garments are warm , strong and practical . b . _ thinks that it is okay to use only the skins and the furs of animals that are killed for food . c . _ _ thinks that modern fabrics have made it unnecessary to use fur anymore . d . _ __ believes that the best way to test cosmetics is to use animals . e . _ _ thinks that we can use new technology to test cosmetics . f . . _ believes that it is always wrong to test cosmetics on animals . After Listening Prepare three questions to ask either Dr . Li or Dr . Rose . 1 . Dr . 2 . Dr . 3 . Dr .
