מתוך:  > Secrets of the Sea > Pirate Pickings


How to write a limerick 1 . Choose the name of a character or place . Think of words that rhyme with the name you choose . Maine — cane , pain 2 . Introduce your character in the first line . Give more information about the character in the second line . Pay attention to the beat and the rhyme at the end of the two lines . There once was a pirate from Maine , Who hobbled along on a cane . 3 . Next think of what happened to your character and present this in two short lines . He robbed ships galore But wanted much more , 4 . Finish with a conclusion . The conclusion should be funny . Which caused many sailors great pain . % Below are the lines from two limericks . Decide which lines belong to each limerick and then write out each of the limericks in your notebook . Fierce Jack was a pirate with treasure , On sailors she spied , And others could not meet his measure . Who had an extremely long tail . And that's how he always got pleasure . He'd rob many ships There once was a mermaid called Gail From whom she would hide , On all his sea trips . By swimming alongside a whale .

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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