Sands 01 TijTja Section Task : Reaching Port Preparing a scene for a play and acting it out Choose one of the events that took place during the voyage that Antonio describes . Write a script for a scene in a play , then act it out . You can use the scene presented on page 23 as an example . Work in groups according to the following instructions . I . Choose an event . 2 . List the title of the scene , the roles , setting , props and costumes . Use the format on page 22 as an example . 3 . Write the script . Think of what the characters may have said to each other . 4 . Review the draftof your script and correct the draft . 5 . Submit your final script to the teacher . 6 . Act out the scene in class . Your presentation the will be assessed by the rest of the class . 7 . Use the ^ |^ to record average scores given by the class . Then submit the same page to the teacher . 8 . Assess the presentations given by each of the other groups using the three criteria in the "Class " column . Then give your feedback to the group . The following rubric shows what you should have in your completed task and how your work will be assessed .