מתוך:  > Secrets of the Sea > Sands of Time


June 7 " , 1522 Darling Beatrix , It has been two and half years eince I saw your beautif ul f ace . I am relieved that we are on our way home . We have sailed p ast the Cap e of Good Hop e and the worst p art of thepurney ' ie behind us . We eventually reached our destination , Moluccas , last . There we f ound the ices that we came f or . We also year sp discovered many new places along our route and added them to our map e . 5 adly , we p aid a high price . We had 277 men when we began the voyage , and only a f ew of us are lef t . We lost three of our f ive ships , and another ship sailed back by a diff erent route . I hop e that those sailors return saf ely . What I regret most of all is that Cap tain Magella n was killed by a native on the island of Mactan . Cap tain Del Cano is now leading us home . If all goes well f rom now , we will get back bef ore the end of the year . Then we will f inally be reunited and can begin our lif e together . All my f ondest love , Antonio -fflf Closer Reading Answer in your notebook . 1 Why were the men returning home without Magellan ? 2 What did Antonio mean when he wrote : "Sadly , we paid a high price" ? 3 What did Antonio feel most sorry about ? 4 When did Antonio expect to be together with Beatriz again ? 5 Which sentence in Antonio's letter shows that they had finally arrived at the place they had planned to get to ? 6 Look up the word "pacific" in the dictionary . / 3 What is the connection between the meaning of the word and the name "Pacific Ocean" ? S > What other words can you think of that have the same root ? Thanks to Magellan In October 1520 , Magellan discovered the straits at the southern tip of South America . The straits were later known as the Straits of Magellan . They were the connection between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans that explorers had been looking for . Magellan gave the Pacific Ocean its name because its waters seemed so calm .

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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