In the following story , the walrus receives a gift from a little bird called a ptarmigan * . Read and listen to the story and find out what the gift was and what the walrus gave the ptarmigan in return . The Giftof the Walrus An Alaskan Inuit Myth A very long time ago , walruses could not float . When they were in the sea , they always had to swim , which made them very tired . One day , a very large walrus was swimming towards Walrus Island . He was very tired ! "Why can ' t I float like a whale ? " he thought to himself . Each time he stopped swimming to rest , he began to sink because he could not float . The poor , fat walrus had to keep on swimming . Finally , he arrived at Walrus Island and slowly pulled himself up on the rocky beach . He was so tired that he only wanted to sleep . Just then , a ptannigan who had seen the walrus swimming in the sea , came up to him . "I saw you swimming , " said the ptannigan . "You were obviously very tired and it was hard for you to reach this island . Wouldn ' t you rather rest in the water ?" "Yes , of course I would like to rest in the water , " answered the walrus , "but I cannot float . " The ptannigan thought about the problem for a minute and then spoke again . "Walrus , you may have my crop * . It is full ofair and itwill help you float so that you can sleep on the sea . " The walrus agreed . So the bird cut open the walrus's neckjust below the chin . The ptarmigan put the crop inside and then sewed it closed . The walrus tried to swim and found that he could float very easily now . He was very thankful for the gift . "What can I give you in return for your wonderful gift ? " the walrus asked the kind bird . The ptannigan answered , "It is very hard for me to dig my house in the snow because I do not have claws on my feet . " "Very well , " said the walrus , "take my claws in exchange for your gift . This is my gift to you . " Ever since that time , walruses can float and ptannigans can dig in the snow . 1 . What was the walrus's problem ? 2 . What was the ptarmigan's problem ? * The ptarmi gan is the national bird of Alaska . * crop — part of a bird ' s throat .