מתוך:  > Name of the Game > Pause


I was already married when my Dad called and told me that he had sold our first Star Wars pinball machine . "What ?! " I yelled . "You sold our first pinball machine ? All those memories ! " "But 1 got another one , even better , " Dad said . "It ' s called Football Fever and you will love it . " Dad's grandchildren all learned to crawl and walk as other babies do . But they also learned to play pinball . The pinball machine was a great teacher . It taught them coordination and math skills . It also taught them social skills , such as taking turns . We never worried that they would walk off or get lost and we never had to babysit ; we knew where the grandchildren were by the bells and whistles . At the time , I never wondered why Dad had suddenly bought that first pinball machine . But years later , my friend Dan told me what he thought . "Yep , " Dan said . "Think of the hours we spent playing pinball rather than spending time on the streets and maybe getting into trouble . Your dad is a wise man ! " His words made me think again and I realized that it was more than keeping us off the streets . A friendly competition of pinball drew us all together , friends and family . Closer Reading Answer in your notebook . I Why did the narrator think her father was crazy ? ( paragraph 1-2 ) 2 Why is the word "toy" in quotation marks in paragraphs 1 and 2 ? 3 Explain what the narrator means by "That's how it all began , once was indeed enough . " ( paragraph 3 ) 4 Complete the following sentence ( paragraph 3 ) : The writer deechbee a p inball machine ae a machine with .. . liqhte , ... and . .. 5 In what ways did dad ' s "toy" make the writer popular ? 6 Complete the following sentence : The writer wae up eet when her dad eoid their f irst p inball machine becauee 7 Dan called the narrator ' s dad "a wise man . " Explain what he meant .

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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