F ro iffiSinniiwy ^ tQ ^ Bi ^ entatian ^ A summary of the factual information can be used ^ צ the basis for an ora l presentation of the case . It is possible to make a presentation more interesting by including certain details and by using a more dramatic tone . 1 Compare the information in the magazine article on page 43 and the case summary on page 45 . a Find three details mentioned in "The Strange Tale of Phineas Gage " that are not mentioned in the summary . S > Which details would you include in an oral presentation of the case ? " % Compare the tone used to describe the same event in the magazine article and in the case summary . Magazine article Gage and his crew had been working with dynamite on a Vermont railroad line in the USA when he suffered a terrible injury . Dynamite suddenly exploded and a meter-long iron rod went into his skull . It went right through his brain and came back out of the top of his head . Case summary The patient suffered major trauma to the brain : the frontal lobe of his brain was pierced by a meter-long j ron r 0 ( j making a hole in his sku \\ & Find examples of the following features that help to make the magazine article more dramatic than the case summary . Write the examples in your notebook . ? narrative ( story-like ) sequencing of events ? active rather than passive forms of verbs ? adjectives and adverbs ? descriptions that give the audience a mental picture & In pairs , present any two other parts of the Phineas Gage case to each other . Use the factual information as a basis , but make your presentation more interesting by using a dramatic tone where necessary . 3 With your partner , discuss photographs , diagrams and media that you would use for an oral presentation of the Phineas Gage case . Updating the Project Progress Report If you think that you would like to do a case study for your project , update your project progress report .
