3 Read the two poems below . What imagery can you find in each ? Farm Scene Anonymous One brown cow , Doe-eyed , lowing a mournful sound , Swishing , wisp of a tail ; The buzz and hum of a passing bee , The oozing of muddy ground . The Eagle by Alfred , Lord Tennyson ( 1851 ) He clasps the crag * with crooked hands ; Close to the sun in lonely lands , Ringed with the azure * world , he stands . The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls ; He watches from his mountain walls , And like a thunderbolt he falls . 4 Which of the two poems above do you think uses the strongest imagery ? Explain your answer . Putting II Together Some of the poems presented in this section inspired works of art . For example , Williams ' s poem "The Great Figure" inspired Demuth ' s painting . Others were inspiredby works of art . For example , Williams's poem "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" was inspired by Brueghel's painting . Write a short poem relating to a work of art of your choice . Use the examples from this section to help you . Consider the following while you are writing your poem . ? Describe what is in the painting . What are the most eye-catching elements in the painting ? Think in terms of colors , shapes and textures . ? Focus on the subject and theme of the painting . What strong emotions do they convey ? What associations or feelings does the painting create in your mind ? ? What is your reaction when you view this painting ? What do you like most about it , or what disturbs or interests you most about this painting ? Try to put these feelings into words . using imagery where possible . * crag —a steep , rough rock or el iff . * azure — blue . Detail of "Crossing the Stream " by J . E . Meadows
