"The Fan" is also a visual poem . The line structure gives the poem a special shape , which helps the reader understand the subject and the theme of the poem . I Look at the poem without reading it . How is its shape connected to the title ? % Read the poem and look for the specific images created in the poem . The Fan Slowly , slowly I unfold and Oh ! What mysteries I behold : with flowers and leaves my pattern weaves and many creepers festoon * my trees . Beneath the amber * wastes of sky a loaded ox-cart trundles by * : the weary peasants wend their way against the pale of dying day . Gently now I close again , like waves receding whence * they m e . by Malcolm Timperley 3 Who is the "I" in the poem ? 4 In the poem , the theme of ending is emphasized : "Gently now I close again" ( lines 10-11 ) . Find two more examples of the theme . 5 What is the difference between the images near the beginning of the poem ( as the fan unfolds ) and the images towards the end of the poem ( as the fan closes )? 6 Create your own visual poem on a subject of your choice ( e . g . birds in flight , an item in the news that has affected you , an emotion , a common household object ) . * festoon — hang in chains of decoration . * amber — yellowish-brown . * trundles by — rolls along . * whence — from where . theme— what a writer or an artist tries to say about the world through the subject .
