M ^^^^^^^ g ^ mim ^ 1 Memory is one aspect of learning and plays an important role in some school subjects , but not in all . Discuss the following questions with a partner . ? In what school subjects do you find the ability to memorize most helpful ? ? How do you go about studying for these subjects ? S Read the following letter to "Ask Sue , " an advice column in Cool Magazine , and find out whether the advice that Sue gives supports your own approach to preparing for tests . c ^ sfo SuG Dear Sue , I ' ve got a big test in history coming up , but I haven't opened the textbook yet because I've had too much schoolwork in other subjects . Can I learn and memorize everything in one night in order to pass the test ? Desperate to Pass Dear Desperate to Pass , Can one learn and memorize everything in one night ? The answer is : maybe . Is memorizing all the facts the night before a test a good learning habit ? The answer is : no . Cramming , studying for a test by 3 What are the main disadvantages of cramming before tests ? What type of memory is used in cramming ? 4 Discuss the following questions with a partner . a Have you ever crammed for a quiz or test ? $ How much information did you remember ? c How long after the test were you able to remember the information ? Q How do you usually study for a test and remember factual information ? memorizing facts at the last minute , develops short-term memory only . Cramming does not help develop long-term memory . You will know the information for the test and then it will be gone . Learning is processing information and storing it in long-term memory ; it is not only short-term recall of facts . Most school subjects require learning . So , in the long run , cramming doesn't lead to real learning , even though many students cram before tests . Take a look at "Mnemonics : Strategies for Improving Memorization" and learn how to memorize factual information . Good luck , Sue
