Link to Language : Discussing the Past 1 The Past Simple and the Past Perfect are used to discuss past events . The Past Simple is used when referring to completed actions in the past and to describe a series of events that happened one after the other . If events in the past appear in the order in which they happened , both verbs ^& in the Past Simple . Example : Ronald Cotton served 11 years in prison , then he was released . If events in the past 3 ^ not reported in the order in which they happened , we show the order by using the Past Perfect for the event that happened at an earlier time in the past . Examples : DNA tests proved that Ronald Cotton had not committed the crime . He had been identified by one of the victims and this evidence was used against him . The Past Perfect is formed by using had + third form ( V 3 ) . The passive form of the Past Perfect is had + been + third form ( V 3 ) . 1 Find three examples of the Past Perfect from paragraph 1 in the article "A Case of Mistaken Identity . " Write the examples in your notebook . 2 The following sentences are based on the article "A Case of Mistaken Identity . " Write the sentences in the correct order in your notebook to get a summary of the case of Ronald Cotton . The case was dismissed . Cotton served 11 years in prison . The second victim did not identify Cotton in a police line-up . The case went to trial based on the evidence given by the first victim . The police arrested Cotton on suspicion of committing a crime . f Cotton was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment . g The first victim identified Cotton in a police line-up . 3 DNA tests showed that Cotton was innocent . 1 The second victim identified Cotton during the trial . \ Cotton was released from prison . Your summary will begin with sentence e : The police arrested Cotton on ausp icion of committing a crime .
