Step 2 : Use the checklist on 41 . This includes the ^ ^ words for the objects on page 16 and other words as well . Check off all the objects that you remember . This is a memory experiment , so do not look back at page 1 6 . Step 3 : Give yourself 1 point for each of the objects that you identified correctly . Add up your score and rate your memory skills by using the key below . Memory Experiment Key 24-30 : You have an excellent memory and you are able to focus well on the task . 1 7-23 : This is the average . Your memory is quite good . 16 and below : Learning a few memory strategies may be useful . Analyzing the Results and Drawing Conclusions How many objects did you choose that were not actually in the pictures ? 2 In groups , compare three of your incorrect answers . § Did you choose the same incorrect objects ? % If so , how can you explain this ? I Do you feel that this sort of activity is a good test of memory ? Explain why or why not . lE ^ e ^ iMessiMem ^ j ^ The police often ask eyewitnesses to a crime , or victims , to identify a suspect in a police line-up . The real suspect and four or five other innocent participants enter a room . All these people usually resemble one another in appearance , age , height and weight . The eyewitnesses , or the victims , have to decide which person is the true suspect . 1 Why do you think the police use line-ups to identify suspects ? Discuss . 2 Do you think that this is a good way to identify suspects ? Explain your opinion . > ' Read the article on page 18 and consider the connection between the memory experiment that you did and the information in the article .
