Starting the Research Project Your research project should focus on an aspect of the mind or how the brain works . You may choose a topic that appears in this section or other sections of the booklet , or find one of your own . Q Skim through the booklet and consider the following questions . ? Which of the topics raised in this section are you already familiar with or do you know something about ? ? Which topics are presented in detail in the other sections ? ? Which topics interest you the most ? You may not have a topic that interests you now , but you are likely to find a topic in the sections that follow . Project Progress Report Q In your notebook , make up a project report , using the sentences and headings below . Use the progress report to monitor your work on your project . Q Decide which of the following sentences applies to you . ? I am interested in following up on one of the topics appearing in the booklet for my research project . ? I am interested in other topics . Topic ( s ) of interest ... What I already know about the topic ... Specific questions I have about the topic . Ideas for further research ... I am interested in answering the following research question ( s ) for my project ... Note : Your original research question ( s ) may change or develop as you study the topic . Q Begin planning the project now and revise your plan as you become more familiar with your topic . i ^ tt The FAQs can lead to interesting topics for a research project .
