Section Task : carry Out Writing a news brief 1 . Find a news item of your own that covers recent developments and discoveries about the brain . Look through newspapers , magazines and online news sites . Keep a copy of the article for your research files . You may also base your brief on a radio or TV program . 2 . Summarize the article or information you hear . 3 . Write the news brief using the information in your summary . Use the news briefs on pages 8-9 as models . Use a catchy title , such as those in the models . 4 . Have a partner review your draft , then make changes and corrections based on your partner ' s comments . 5 . Check your spelling with a dictionary or a spell-checker . Check your grammar . Make your final corrections . 6 . Submit your first and final drafts to your teacher , who will assess your news brief using the rubric on immi umiimiiiM * 71 . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . ? My news brief has an opening sentence that introduces the topic . ? The research / study / experiment is explained . ? The findings of the research / study / experiment are given . ? The conclusions reached by the scientists are stated . ? I revised my work after review by a partner . ? I checked my spelling and grammar .
