Link to Language : Suffixes , Roots and Prefixes New words can be formed when different beginnings ( prefixes ) and endings ( suffixes ) 3 ^ added to the root of the word . Knowing the meanings 0 \ common word prefixes , ^ 001 ^ and suffixes helps us to understand and spell words . Suffixes and Roots The word "neurology" appears in the Brain Glossary on page 5 . The root "neuro" comes from the Greek and means nerve . The suffix " -logy" from the Greek "logos" means the science or study of . Neurology means the science or studyof the nervous system . Suffixes Adding a suffix to the root of a word changes its meaning in some way and usually shows its partof speech . Examples : ? -osis — disorder or illness ; forming a noun The medical students heard a lecture on the treatment of psychosis . ? -al — relating to ; forming an adjective Many doctors attend national and international medical conferences . ? -1 st —a suffix that shows the agent ( job , profession , etc . ); forming a noun The man felt better after a few sessions withhis psychologist . I Use the root and suffix to work out the meaning of the following words . £ } neurosis (« . ) S > neural ( adj . ) c neurologist (« . ) 2 List all the words that you know that end in the suffix " -logy . " > Choose five words from the list below and use the meaning of the root and the meaning of the suffix to write a definition for each word . Then use a dictionary to check your definitions . exceptionally experimentation identification identify magnetize mathematical memorize participate peacefully representation signify truthful visualize 4 Write sentences in your notebook containing each of the words you chose . Common Suffixes and Meanings NOUNS -ance —an action , a state or a process : tolerance -er , -or —a person who does a job : examiner . doctor -ion , -tion —a state or an action : production -ment —a state , an action or a quality : excitement -ness —a state : tiredness VERBS -ate —to produce a state or quality : irritate -fy , ify —to make , to produce a state or quality : exemplify -ize —to bring about , to produce a state : dramatize ADJECTIVES -able , -ible , -ble — possible to : forgettable , incredible -ate — showing a quality : affectionate -ful — full of : powerful -ive — having a particular quality : descriptive -less — without : careless -like — similar to : ladylike -ous — having a particular quality : poisonous ADVERBS -ly — like ; in the manner of : badlv
