18 " - 19 " Centuries In the 18 ' and 1 91 ' 1 centuries , phrenology became a serious science . Phrenologists measured the size and shape of the head and mapped out all of its bumps and indentations * . Phrenologists ( not all of them doctors ) believed that the brain was divided into many small parts and that each part was responsible for a specific ability . They believed that by mapping the head of a person , they would understand a person ' s characteristics , talents and behavior . In the illustration , the brain is divided into almost 40 different areas , including areas that control self-esteem , a tendency to steal , a tendency to be secretive and the ability to write poetry . 20 " -21 ' Centuries Neurologists today use computer technology to help them study and understand the brain . They find which parts of the brain are responsible for different functions and map the brain . Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging , or fMRI , is a method of scanning the brain using magnetic technology . An fMRI brain scan shows where and how much brain activity is occurring in different parts of the brain while a person is thinking or doing something . Closer Reading 1 What beliefs about the brain have not changed throughout history ? 2 What is the connection between phrenology and what is known about the brain today ? 3 Find words or expressions in the encyclopedia excerpts that have the same meaning as the words below . List the words and their meanings in your notebook . & sight , hearing , taste , smell and touch ( excerpt a ) & influenced ( excerpt b ) c related to the mind ( excerpt b ) Q purpose or use ( excerpt b ) & skill or talent ( excerpt c ) f control ( excerpt d ) Example : a . sight , hearing , taste , smell and touch —senses Thinking About What You Have Read Which of the past beliefs about the brain do you think was the most unusual ? Discuss with a partner and compare your opinions . * indentations — small curves in a flat surface .
