One Small Step Section Task : Liftoff ! Preparing a timeline about a space exploration program This section is about the space exploration programs and the people who were part of them . You will prepare a timeline about a space exploration program . In Dedication to the Crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia . This section is dedicated to the seven brave crewmembers of Columbia mission STS-107 : Colonel Rick Husband ; Lieutenant Colonel Michael Anderson ; Commander Laurel Clark ; Captain David Brown ; Commander William McCool ; Dr . Kalpana Chawla ; and Ilan Ramon , a Colonel in the Israeli Air Force . On January 16 , 2003 , the Columbia Space Shuttle was launched into space . On February 1 , 2003 , on its return to Earth , Mission Control in Houston , Texas lost contact with the Space Shuttle Columbia . The Columbia broke up during re-entry over Texas just 16 minutes before it was to land at Kennedy Space Center , Florida . There were no survivors . At the memorial service held in honor of the crew of the Columbia , American Vice President Richard Cheney said : "The men and women aboard the Columbia were driven by a fierce determination to make life better here on Earth by unlocking the mysteries of space ... Every great act of exploration involves great risk . The crew of Columbia accepted that risk in service to all mankind . " Discuss the following questions . 1 A dedication is something that is written in honor of people . Why do you think this section is dedicated to the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia ? 2 What are the two main points of Richard Cheney ' s quote ? ? Astronauts believe that their work will help everyone on Earth . ? Astronauts are mainly interested in the mysteries of space . ? Astronauts can be both men and women . ? Astronauts know that their work is dangerous . 3 Why do you think someone chooses to be an astronaut ? Han Ramon