Fads and Ads The purpose of an ad is to get people to buy a product . Elements of an Ad Audience : the target population Visuals : the pictures and design Text : the message the ad is sending the language of the ad the action the ad is telling the buyer to take Strategy : the " psychology" used to attract buyers , e . g . relating to people's fantasies and wishes to be young , beautiful , successful or popular ; the use of "expert information" ; the use of humor 1 Read the two ads for the Sports Mouse . In your notebook , answer the following questions about each ad . / 3 Where did the ad probabl y appear ? $ Who is the target audience ? c What is the message of the ad ? < 3 What is the ad telling the buyer to do ? a What is the connection between the visuals and the text ? What strategy is the ad using to attract buyers ? S Which ad do you think is more successful ? Explain your answer by relating to the elements of an ad . ! What would you add or change in each of the ads to make it more successful ?
